Rooted in Buddhist tradition, modern prayer flags have become a means of creative expression – small works of fabric art containing wishes of peace, healing or whatever sentiment is close to the heart.

What better time to make prayer flags than the spring – the season of hope, renewal and change!
Local artist,
Shirley Bentsen will guide us through the creative process
Shirley Bentsen will guide us through the creative process
flags are a gentle reminder that all is good.
They contain heartfelt messages…or sentiments…or intentions…or prayers
that release into the universe as flags dance in the outdoor breeze.
Prayer flag samples will be available for inspiration! Techniques used could be stamping, stenciling, painting, beading, sewing (hand or machine), appliqué
Consider making more than one and swap with friends or class mates!

DATE: Saturday, June 15 2013 from 10am – 3pm
COST: $55,
all materials and lunch included. Bring beverage.
Supply list provided with registration.
LOCATION: SmittenDust Studio, 257 S. Bridge St., Dimondale, MI
Supply list provided with registration.
LOCATION: SmittenDust Studio, 257 S. Bridge St., Dimondale, MI
& Q’s: Send
an email to Dusty DeHaven at or or
These flags are beautiful! Looks like a great class. I have taken classes with Shirley Bentsen. She is an excellent teacher and her classes are always well prepared and fun.